Stage Blood in Julius Caesar
I need to start this blog off with a spoiler alert. I’m going to give away how The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company’s production of...

Character Questions with Zachary Johnson
Tell the story of the play from Casca's perspective: Well, on the day of the Lupercal, Caesar and all us guys that follow him around go...

Playing Brutus
But I am constant as the northern star, Of whose true-fixed and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament. - Julius Caesar:...

Character Questions with Chad Marriott
Chad Marriott answers some questions about the character of Octavius Caesar. 1) Pick three adjectives that describe your (major)...

The Show Must Go On...
Repertory Company member, Brad Sytsma, shares his thoughts on what happens when things don't go as planned. Yesterday, we opened our...

Playing Julius Caesar
Rep Company member Scott Wright shares his research into the real-life history of Julius Caesar.