The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company dedicates itself to the development of a high quality ensemble of actors. Actors who work together frequently develop an onstage and offstage trust and chemistry that results in better productions. The structure of acting companies in Shakespeare’s England created an atmosphere in which actors worked together over decades, developing their talents and instincts together, and sharing and passing down knowledge. The actors listed below are part of Pigeon Creek’s Repertory Company. Our Repertory Company is made up of those actors who have performed in at least 4 full-length productions in the previous three seasons (2017-2019). These actors play a huge role in developing the standard of excellence in our production casts. We will be posting updated biographies and photos for these actors soon! Please check back for updates.
Chaz Albright
Kate Bode
Mike Dodge
Jackie Frid
Kimi Griggs
Kat Hermes
Maggie Hinckley
Scott Lange
Katherine Mayberry
Eric Orive
Sarah Stark
Kate Tubbs
Riley Van Ess
Scott Wright
Seraphina Zorn