Why Audiences Love Our Productions
Are you new to Pigeon Creek Shakespeare and wondering if you would like our shows? Of course we are biased and imagine that you probably...

Pigeon Creek Debuts New Arlo Whittaker Radio Play
During the pandemic, Pigeon Creek commissioned two new radio play scripts by playwright David Taylor Little. These plays, which can be...

A Word Premiere Experience by Scott Lange
It feels like yesterday, and also a decade ago. In January and February of 2020 Pigeon Creek was rehearsing and performing our touring...

All About Emma! Meet Blue-Eyed Hag Cast Member, Emma Oliver.
Getting to Know You Questions: 1) Where are you from? How did you end up here (or why did you stay)? I am from Traverse City. I came to...

Getting to Know Gabby! Stage Manager of Blue-Eyed Hag.
Hello, My name is Gabby Zeinstra and I am the stage manager for Pigeon Creek Shakespeare company’s world premiere production of Blue Eyed...

Interview with Playwright Jim Lair Beard
On June 11, Pigeon Creek will premiere our first touring production since the start of the pandemic. Not only will this be our return to...

Working on a World Premiere
Pigeon Creek’s first full, touring production since the pandemic started is not Shakespeare, but the world premiere of a brand new play...
Statement from Our Executive Director
Grand Rapids is one of our homes. We love our Grand Rapids theatre community and our Grand Rapids audiences. Today, our hearts break...

"This is a good friar, belike!"
Playwright Mike Nichols answers questions about his new radio play, The Gospel of Friar Tuck, which Pigeon Creek will perform in two...
David Taylor Little Discusses New Radio Play
On September 4, Pigeon Creek will release our virtual performance of "A Twelfth Night Murder, or Is the Knot Too Tight?" by David Taylor...