In My Mind's Eye with Kat Hermes
Kat Hermes answers our first set of acting questions. 1. How do you typically go about preparing a Shakespearean character? I start with...
In My Mind's Eye with Janna Rosenkranz and Saray Stark
This week: Sarah Stark and Janna Rosenkranz are on the docket for Love’s Labour’s Lost. How do you typically go about preparing a...
Tackling the Soliloquy with Scott Lange
Scott Lange on one of the greatest Shakespearean challenges, the dreaded (and delightful) soliloquy. There are a lot of elements that go...
In My Mind's Eye with Kilian Thomas G. and Joseph Valente
This week: Kilian Thomas G. and Joseph Valente are in the hot seat for Love’s Labour’s Lost. How do you typically go about preparing a...
Making Music between the Acts with Joel L. Schindlbeck
Joel L. Schindlbeck on Music Directing for Love’s Labour’s Lost. For Shakespeare’s theatre, music seemed to be a necessity. Not only the...