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Happy in Hamlet

One of the many things I enjoy about acting, is the opportunity to meet and learn from other actors, and the cast of Hamlet has been amazing! Each actor has a different approach, and a different energy in bringing their characters to life.

I was never formally trained in acting, so I'm not one to look to for deep discussions of acting methods, movement choices, etc....I'm not sure how to explain those things. I have been learning to act play by play, through the Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company and the actors I have met within the company. Gratefully, everyone has always been patient, helpful, and encouraging to me as I grow as an actress.

Hamlet hasn't let me down as another learning opportunity. We have both seasoned and relatively new actors working with us. Many that I haven't worked with before, but am very honored to be on stage with.

I learn by both watching and by asking questions, which thankfully, no one seems to mind answering.

Hamlet has been perfect in letting me see the abilities and methods each actor has in pulling out raw emotions for this play. As everyone knows, Hamlet is an emotionally heavy play. I haven't been in many charged plays, such as this one, so I was excited to see what I could learn.

Happily, I have learned that everyone may have their own methods to get to the emotional pitch they need to reach, whether it's placing themselves deep into the character's shoes, recalling things in their own lives, or focusing on the physical motions of the emotion to be portrayed. For me, I think I will try mixing up a concoction of each method to see what works for me.

Was I successful? The only way to tell is to come see the play!

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The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company

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